Thousands of health police officers trained by the Beijing Health Inspection and Supervision Bureau will fan out to make sure the law is implemented, according to an official at the Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning who would give only his surname, Ma. 北京市卫生计生委的一位官员说,该市的卫生监督局将确保该法规得到落实。这位官员只透露自己姓马。
Article Forty-four This law shall be applicable to doctors working at institutions of technical service for family planning. 第四十四条计划生育技术服务机构中的医师,适用本法。
Under the guidance of the theory of administrative law, administrative management from the angle of the current "Population and Family Planning Regulations of Hebei Province," the proposed amendments. 在行政法的理论指导下,从行政管理的角度提出对现行《河北省人口和计划生育条例》的修改建议。
In this paper will talk about GongCheng yao autonomous county of GuangXi family planning law enforcement work for research topic, using the methods of interview and questionnaire investigation method county family planning work of the overall situation. 本文以广西恭城瑶族自治县的计划生育执法工作为调研主题,采用访谈法和调查问卷的方法考察了该县的计划生育执法工作的总体情况。